30th CMAA
Country Music Awards Ceremony
2002 Golden Guitar Awards
Saturday, 26 Jan 2002
Tamworth Regional Entertainment
and Convention Centre (TRECC), NSW
The 2002 Country Music Awards honored country music artists for musical performances and other career achievements during the 2002 calendar year.
Toyota was the sponsor this year. “Golden Guitar” trophies were given to winners. Highlight of the Tamworth Country Music Festival, the Awards was organised by Country Music Association of Australia (CMAA). In 1993 the name changed from the Australasian Country Music Awards to its present name Country Music Awards of Australia.
Album of the Year Adam Harvey Workin’ Overtime Produced by Rod McCormack (ABC) APRA Song of the Year Kasey Chambers Not Pretty Enough Recorded by Kasey Chambers (EMI) Top Selling Album of the Year Kasey Chambers Barricades & Brickwalls (EMI) Heritage Song of the Year Brendon Walmsley Never Never (Compass Bros) Bush Ballad of the Year Slim Dusty West Of Winton Written by Ray Rose (EMI) Instrumental of the Year Feral Swing Katz Stealin’ Corn Video Clip of the Year Gina Jeffreys Angel Directed by Dylan Perry (ABC) | Special Award A special Golden Guitar trophy presented to Max Ellis, retiring Vice Chairman of the CMAA for his unstinting dedication and commitment to country music in Australia for a period of more than 30 years. Roll of Renown The Schneider Sisters Male Vocalist of the Year Adam Harvey Shake Of A Hand (ABC) Female Vocalist of the Year Beccy Cole Too Strong To Break (ABC) New Talent of the Year Kylie Sackley Love’s Like A Train (ABC) Vocal Group or Duo of the Year Wolverines 65 Roses (ACMEC) Vocal Collaboration of the Year Josh Arnold and Lee Kernaghan Thank God I’m A Country Boy (ABC) |