Nov 242022
Roman Numerals – Converter and Conversion Charts

Roman numerals are a system of numbers used in certain ancient civilizations to record counting and calculation. You’ve probably noticed roman numerals used on clocks, or on architraves over doorways.

ROMAN NUMERALS ARE often used to suggest importance or timelessness. It’s also used in situations where an alternate numbering system is useful for clarity. You’ll find it used for the Commonwealth Games and of course the Olympics.

Help Writing Roman Numerals

When a smaller number comes before a larger number, the smaller number is subtracted.
     example:   IX = 10 -1 =  9

When a smaller number follows a larger one, add the two together.
     example:   XI = 10 + 1 = 11

When a letter is repeated, add them together
     example:   XX = 10 + 10 = 20     or     XXX = 10 + 10 + 10 = 30

Never repeat the letters VL and D. Use XC and M instead.
     example:   for 10 use X not VV     for 100 use C not LL     for 1000 use M not DD

A bar across the top of the letter increases the number 1,000 times.
     example:   V = 5     V  = 1,000 times 5 = 5,000

When a value can be represented with different combinations of letters, use the shortest notation.
     example:   55 = LV     and NOT  XXXXXIIIII     and NOT  XXXXXV

Roman Numerals Chart

I = 1
II = 2
III = 3
IV = 4
V = 5
VI = 6
VII = 7
VIII = 8
IX = 9
X = 10
XI = 11
XII = 12
XIII = 13
XIV = 14
XV = 15
XVI = 16
XVII = 17
XVIII = 18
XIX = 19
XX = 20
XXX = 30
XL = 40
L = 50
LX = 60
LXX = 70
LXXX = 80
XC = 90
C = 100
CC = 200
CCC = 300
CD = 400
D = 500
DC = 600
DCC = 700
DCCC = 800
CM = 900
M = 1,000
MD = 1,500
MCM = 1,900
V = 5,000
X = 10,000
L = 50,000
C = 00,000
D = 500,000
M = 1,000,000

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