Dec 142022
Astronomy and Space – Handy Australian Links

Australian astronomy, space and science links in one place. A collection of interesting Australian sites including schools, government agencies, universities and organisations involved in astronomy, space research and science.

The second largest movable dish telescope in the Southern Hemisphere is the 64-metre movable dish telescope at the Parkes Observatory, 20 kilometres north of the town of Parkes, NSW. If you saw the movie The Dish, you’ll remember that Parkes Observatory (control name PKS) was one of several radio antennas used to receive images of the Apollo 11 moon landing in July 1969.

Parks Observatory has continued to play a part in tracking space missions including the Mariners 2 and 4, Voyager, Giotto, Galileo and Cassini-Huygens probes. Parks has also become a major world research centre for pulsars, with more than half of those currently known today discovered at the Parkes Observatory.

Observatories and Planetariums

Astronomical Societies

  1. Astronomical Society of NSW
  2. Wollongong Amateur Astronomy
  3. Astronomical Society of SA
  4. Canberra Astronomical Society
  5. Astronomical Society of Melbourne
  6. Southeast Queensland Astronomical Society
  7. Western Sydney Amateur Astronomical Group


  1. Planetary Society Australian Volunteers
  2. SETI Research & Community Development Institute

Search for Near Earth Objects

  1. Australian Spaceguard Survey

Radio Astronomy

  1. CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility
  2. Australia Telescope Compact Array
  3. Mopra Observatory
  4. Parkes Observatory
  5. Australian Long Baseline Array
  6. Mt. Pleasant Radio Observatory
  7. Ceduna Radio Observatory
  8. Radio Astronomy Group
  9. Australian Government Radio & Space Services
  10. Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST)
  11. Bruny Island Radio Spectrometer (BIRS) 

Other Resources

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