Feb 072023
Flower Illusion  – Optical Illusion

Above are 2 flowers made of dots.
Please look at the centre of each flower and choose one of the following

The dot in the centre of the small flower is . . .

  1. bigger than the dot in the centre of the large flower
  2. smaller than the dot in the centre of the large flower
  3. same size as the dot in the centre of the large flower
  4. no idea, but now I’m seeing spots everywhere.

The Answer is 3. same size as the dot in the centre of the large flower

Don’t believe us?

Take a piece of paper and line it up above both centre dots. Use a second piece of paper and line it up beneath both centre dots. Can you see it now?

We’re good at comparing the size of one thing against something near it. We can easily see that the center dot is either bigger or smaller than the dots around it. But estimating the actual size is often difficult for many of us.

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