Dec 102022
Aussie Jokes for Kids – Kids Play

You may have heard some of these jokes told in a slightly different way. Some people call them groaners because that’s the sound adults make when they read them. So if you feel like a bit of silly humour to brighten your day, take a look at our jokes for children. No one is looking and we’ll never tell.

 1. What do you call a boomerang that won’t come back?

Answer : A stick

 2. Why did the cockatoo sit on the clock?

Answer : So he would be on time

 3. Why do kangaroo moms hate bad weather?

Answer : Their joeys have to play inside

 4. What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with sheep?

Answer : A woolie jumper (sweater to Americans)

 5. What do you get when you cross a kangaroo with a giraffe?

Answer : Broken legs

 6. What do you get when you cross a glove with a Tasmanian Devil?

Answer : I don’t know, but I wouldn’t want to shake hands with it

 7. What animal can jump higher than the Sydney Harbour Bridge?

Answer : All animals because bridges can’t jump

 8. How do you stop a wild dingo from charging you?

Answer : Take away his credit card

 9. Why does a frog have more lives than a cat?

Answer : Because it croaks every night

10. What do frogs drink?

Answer : Croak-a-cola

11. Why did the crocodile cross the road?

Answer : He was following the chicken

12. Why did the emu cross the road?

Answer : To prove he wasn’t chicken

13. Why did the wallaby cross the road?

AnswerBecause it was the chicken’s day off

14. Why did the dingo cross the road twice?

Answer : Because he was a double-crosser

15. Where do sheep get their hair cut?

Answer : At the baa baa shop

16. What do you call a bunch of Barbies standing in a row?

Answer : A Barbie queue

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