Feb 062023
Aussie Jokes for Kids – Kids Play
Australian Jokes for Kids   •   School Jokes for Kids   •   What Am I ?   •   Australian Riddles
Australian Political Humour   •   Blonde Jokes   •   Hmm Jokes   •   Jokes for the Men   •   Oxymorons

Aussie Jokes for Kids is a great selection of jokes that kids will love. Each one is explained, so would make a great joke book for kids.

Aussie Jokes for Kids  –  Page 1    Page 2     Page 3

You may have heard some of these jokes told in a slightly different way. Some people call them groaners because that’s the sound adults make when they read them. So if you feel like a bit of silly humour to brighten your day, take a look at our jokes for children. No one is looking and we’ll never tell.

 1. What did the caterpillar say to the Green Tree Python snake?

Answer: I don’t want to be here when you turn into a butterfly

 2. How do you make a goldfish age?

Answer: Take out the g.

 3. What did the cherry tree say to the farmer?

Answer: Stop picking on me.

 4. Why couldn’t the sailors play cards?

Answer: Because the captian was standing on deck.

 5. When is a Holden not a car?

Answer: When it turns in to a driveway.

 6. Why did the wallaby cross the road?

Answer: Because it was the chicken’s day off.

 7. Why did the dingo cross the road twice?

Answer: Because he was a double-crosser.

 8. Where do sheep get their hair cut?

Answer: At the Baa Baa shop.

 9. What do you call a bunch of Barbies standing in a row?

Answer: A Barbie queue

10. When is the moon the heaviest?

Answer: When it is full.

11. How can a man go 7 days without sleeping?

Answer: No worries. He sleeps at night.

12. What do you call a bike that’s frozen?

Answer: A Bicycle

13. Why does the golfer take two pairs of pants with him when he plays golf?

Answer: In case he gets a hole in one.

14. Why do cows have bells?

Answer: Because thier horns don’t work.

15. Why don’t cannibals eat clowns?

Answer: Because they taste funny.

16. Should you ever iron a four leaf clover?

Answer: No. you should never press your luck.

17. Why is a tractor magic?

Answer: Because it can go down the road and turn in to a field.

18. What do you get if you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?

Answer: Hot cross bunnies.

19. Why is the number eight afraid of the number seven?

Answer: Because seven ate nine.

20.What did the number 0 say to the number 8?

Answer: Nice Belt.

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