Dec 082022
South Australia Driving Distances – Australian Facts And Figures

The driving distances for South Australia are provided on this page. The information includes the shortest, longest and average driving distances for Adelaide, as well as useful facts and statistics about road travel in South Australia.

Planning to visit an Australian city or just wondering how far our cities are from each other? The following charts give you a general guide for the distance between a variety of cities in Australia. Actual distance, of course, depends on the route chosen . . . and how many side trips you make to enjoy our smaller towns along the way. See also on our website   Current Australian Weather

The capital city of South Australia is in bold. All distances are given in kilometres. To change kilometres to miles, use our handy Measurement Converter.

More driving locations  —  New South Wales     Queensland     Victoria     Tasmania     Western Australia     Northern Territory

Between Cities in South Australia

 Coober Pedy850112058512859255458801050375
 Mt Gambier435185121012853657401085685925
 Murray Bridge75200850925365380725320565
 Port Augusta310580470545740380345525182
 Port Lincoln6509204258801085725345865520

Between Major Australian Cities

  CanberraSydneyAlice SpringsDarwinBrisbaneCairnsAdelaideMelbournePerth
 Alice SpringsNT27552930152530602418169024353770

Note: Distances in the charts above are rounded to the nearest 5 kilometres and vary depending on the route taken.
Use this information as a guide only. For specific routes, go to

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